The ECMES that is the European Center for Middle East Studies is an accredited research and education foundation.
It is concerned with the scientific study of the different issues of the Middle East in order to examine the challenges that face growth, democracy, and human rights in the region of the Middle East in order ti examine the challenges that face sustainaible development , democracy and human rights and awarded Dr.ssa Cristina Di Silvio with a certification.
The Cerftificate of Addiser was released on the basis of the recognition of merits focused on three main sectors: Peace and Defense of Universal Rights, International Relations, Science.
The European Center works in collaboration with universities, other research centers, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, international organizations and local organizations.
The center does not receive any funding from external bodies, and It depends on self-financing and donations.
The center was founded by thinker Sattar Jabbar Rahman, he ist Founder and CEO of the European Centre for Middle East Studies, and he ist Consultant and researcher in socio-political and cultural structure, modern social and political transformations in the Middle East, human rights, women's issues and the environment.
Dr.ssa Cristina Di Silvio as Legal Advisor of the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE for DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS COMMISSION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS for the United Nations and Director of International Relations for the European Community, UNITED STATES FOREIGN TRADE INSTITUTE, supports the objectives of ECMES.
For this reason, Dr.ssa Cristina Di Silvio by virtue of the merits acquired for the development and dissemination of culture, art, research, creativity, science, and promoted the values of freedom, justice, peace and universal brotherhood, saw its own Recognition.
This is a very important position full of responsibilities that will help Dr.ssa Di Silvio even more to fight for the rights of all men, women and children of those territories affected by poverty and wars. We are undoubtedly talking about very complex areas that need to be brought to the attention of most in order to move a common critical conscience.
Recognition dedicated to all women and especially to the Women of Iran. To paraphrase Dr.ssa Cristina di Silvio: "there is a need for more collaboration between Us Women for Women".
Despite her young age, this is yet another recognition in favor of Dr.ssa Di Silvio.
The Center's invitation to its third international scientific conference, entitled "Heritage of the Middle East and North Africa: Challenges of Disappearance and Tasks of Preserving Identity" to be held on 25 February 2023 in Tunis, marked the conclusion of the event.